Wizard of oz the play script
Wizard of oz the play script

wizard of oz the play script wizard of oz the play script

In order to participate in the Musical, your students must be available to attend rehearsal on the mandatory dates so please make arrangements now. Students interested in participating should at least be available 2 days a week and for all mandatory rehearsals. Actors will be called 2 to 3 times a week on average. We do our best to schedule your student for days that they are available.ĥ Your conflicts don t negatively affect casting so please give us all the information you have and let us know when you might be expecting a sport schedule to come in. Conflicts and Mandatory Dates Please fill out the Conflict Calendar completely with anything that might conflict with rehearsals. Please wear comfortable and appropriate clothing no short skirts, flip flops, high-heeled shoes, tight pants, snow boots, etc. A great attitude is required every day of rehearsal. Each student is required to have a pencil, a snack, a water bottle, a book/something to keep them busy during down time. By Thursday s practice, most if not all students will be done auditioning and the Director will be guiding kids through the story of the show, how they will learn their part, and be issued a script.Ĥ Rehearsals Rehearsals will take place at Brookside Elementary in CAFETERIA/MUSIC ROOM. Auditions are closed to other students and parents in order to put the least amount of pressure on the students (however a PTA chaperone is always present.) On Wednesday, March 21st, students will learn music and sing solos in a group setting. On Tuesday,March20th studentsshouldcomepreparedwitha memorized monologue thatisnolongerthan1-minuteinlength(examp lesareprovidedinthispacket,more are available online at the Dandylyon Drama website).ģ Dandylyon Drama does everything possible to help students feel comfortable and ready to share their monologue. OnMonday,March19th,we llplay lotsofdramagamestogettoknoweachotherandt heshowandlearnhowtoputourbestfoot forward. 2 Auditions astheyauditionandit auditionsunlessotherwisenotedontheirconf lictcalendar.

wizard of oz the play script wizard of oz the play script

OneparentofeachstudentmustattendtheParen tMeetingon :Thisisa dayandtheweekofTeacher Conferences. Parent Involvement and Mandatory Parent Meeting Thisproductionreliesonatleastoneparentof everyactortovolunteerinsomeway.Ģ Onviaanonlinesign-up. Overthenext8weekswe lllearnhowtoaudition,rehearse, ll exploreawell-lovedstory,WizardofOz!We lllearnbasicacting,performanceetiquettei na lltopitoffwithprops,costumes,lights,and sound. 1 1 Musical Packet for: 3 rd- 6 th Grade Wizard of Oz, Young Performers Edition! Brookside Elementary s Spring Musical! Process DandylyonDramaisaneducationallybasedprog ramthatbelievesinincludingeverychild.

Wizard of oz the play script